Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.
Terms of Use
By accessing and/or using our material and the information on our site and related services you agree to these terms of use.
Privacy Policy
By creating a profile on our site, you allow us to store the personal information you provide to us. You can always contact us to get a written list of all information we have about you. The data may also be disclosed to third parties to help us deliver our services or as required by law. This may include web-hosting providers, data centers, payment processing providers, among others.
The website and all its content are only allowed for people of at least 18 years of age.
Refund Policy
Check out our refund policy here.
Community Rules
You agree to keep a friendly tone in our community at all times. If you cause other people in the community harm by talking ill of them or to them, you may be terminated from the community. You may only use our advice for lawful purposes only. You are not allowed to post affiliate links in our community. You agree to not upload or post any information on our site or our community form that violates Danish law.
Accuracy of information
The information on the site is not intended as professional advice and should never be relied upon as such or used without consulting local lawyers.
No Warranties
The site and all the information we offer is available to you “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not warrant that the site will be error-free. Any information you find on our site may or may not affect your business positively or negatively. We cannot be held responsible for any harm it may do to your business or any loss of profit. All results shown or indicated on our site are not to be taken as indications of success within your business or examples that can be replicated. All businesses are unique, and all examples are only to be taken as that, examples. We do not promise any results for your business from following our strategies and ideas. Only you can make your business succeed. We can also not be held responsible for any harm to your computer systems. You must take your own precautions to protect you against viruses, trojan horses, worms, etc. while using our site. You also find our disclaimer here
Our Services
We may refuse to serve a customer without further notice should we deem a person unfit to participate on our forum discussions. We cannot be held responsible for any server down takes, downtime, or technical problems on our site. You may terminate your subscription or membership at any time and if you chose to not pay the yearly renewal fee you will no longer have access to our material. Should you choose to terminate your subscription or membership before the end of a yearly payment cycle you will not be partially refunded.
Limited Liability
Our liability to you is limited to an amount not exceeding the amount paid by you for your membership. By accessing our site, you agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless us and each of our employees from expenses, costs, damages, loss of profit or income, and personal injury. You shall indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all losses, costs, expenses, attorney’s fees, etc. that may arise from taking the advice on our site.
Affiliated sites
We work with several external partners and we cannot be held responsible for any information on sites that we link to or that links to us. We do not have control over the content on such sites.
All content on our site including text, graphics, logos, audio, and software is copyright Blue Life Media ApS. All rights reserved. You are not allowed to use our trademarks and logos in any way without written consent from us. You are not allowed to keep an electronic copy of any of the material from our site. All other uses, reproduction, and copying are prohibited by law. The content you gain access to by membership only applies to you personally and cannot be shared with any third party in any form. You are not allowed to share your account and any information with a third party.
The terms interpreted in accordance with Danish law. By using the site and its information you irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Denmark.
In case you have any questions you can always contact us at
Our physical address is:
Silkeborgvej 361
8230 Åbyhøj